Early Booking Discount
Book your stay at least 90 days in advance and enjoy a 10% discount on your villa. Plus, register for our Loyalty Club during your booking and receive an additional 5% off!
Long Stay Discount
Extend your vacation and enjoy exclusive discounts: 10% off for stays of 10 nights or more. 15% off for stays of 15 nights or more. Register for our Loyalty Club during your booking and add an extra 5% discount to your savings!
Last-Minute Offer
Take advantage of our Last-Minute Offer and enjoy up to 20% off your stay at Amazing Villas in Crete! Book within 7 days of arrival to receive 15% off, plus an extra 5% discount when you join our Loyalty Club. Experience luxury, comfort, and authentic Cretan hospitality in a private villa with a pool. Book now for an unforgettable getaway!
Loyalty Club Exclusive
Join Amazing Villas in Crete's Loyalty Club and enjoy exclusive benefits, including a 5% discount on your stay, priority booking, and personalized services. Designed for our valued repeat guests, this program rewards you with complimentary upgrades, special offers, and unforgettable experiences. Book your luxury villa today and start enjoying the perks of being a loyal member!
Event Package
Experience the vibrant Rethymno Carnival with a special package: Stay Period: February 27 - 03 March 2025.
Event Package Easter in Crete
Experience the authentic magic of Easter in Crete, blending tradition with luxury at Amazing Villas in Crete. Take advantage of our special offer and create unforgettable memories!